So I'm gonna put on my thinking cap and write about two thoughts I have for Tuesday...yes, it's Top Sites Tuesday again at BlogDumps!
My first thought is how saying good-bye to 2009 also meant saying good-bye to my favorite local metal band, Vanquish. This was kind of sad for many of their fans like me because they just finally completed their 2nd CD (Beyond Desolation) and were getting ready to push forward. However, they lost their bassist, Nick Johnson, earlier in the year. He's pursuing advanced music studies and seeking acceptance into a prestigious music program at NYU. The band had to perform most of their 2009 shows with a substitute bassist, Brian Berry (who was already familiar with Vanquish music because he played with the band in the past).

Mark DiVito, one of the founding members and guitarist, also decided to leave the band to further his educational goals beyond his bachelor's degree in another state. That left only Greer Cawthon (the band's lead singer) and Anthony Maiden (the band's drummer) in the band. These guys have been the best of friends throughout their musical careers and finding a suitable replacement for half the band just wasn't something they wanted to do at this time. So Vanquish bid farewell to their fans with a final show on December 12, 2009. (Sigh!)
My second thought is about how as 2010 came around, so did some other friends of mine in another local band. My friends from Shed54 decided to bring their band together again and have even added a new guitarist to their lineup (making them now a two-guitar band). Shed's new lineup include: THAI CHAU (T-BONER) on Suhr Custom Guitars, SEAN FERGUSON (FERG) on Ibanez and ESP Guitars, KEN BAILEY (THE UNIT) on Vocals, SCOTT STEWART on Tama Percussion, and GREG HAYES (OG-The Original Gregster) on Ibanez Low End Bass Guitar. The band is excited to get started again and have a show already scheduled in Virginia Beach's The Half Shell on January 29th.

So as I say good-bye to some fun musical outings and Internet promoting of one of my favorite bands - Vanquish - I say welcome back to another set of talented musicians I know from around here - Shed54.
Here's a taste of the old Shed54 (from 2006's locally popular demo). It's the song "Control" which we local music fans got to enjoy over the airwaves for a little bit. For some reason this was a popular hit with the ladies...hmmm?
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it's a bummer when your favorite bands disband, know how you're feeling...
It is so hard to say good-by to friends. I know over the years I have said good-by so many times.
Here's your click .....
Love and Blessings,
I despise it when good bands break up! Especially ones that are good and local!
I think my favorite "local" band is Jimmy's Chicken Shack, but I'm not sure if they're still together.
Welcoming new local bands is always fun though - I really liked the demo song!
Happy Tuesday!
I really liked the demo song it was good :)
It's always cool to find a new band to listen to.
Clicks for your!
Hi Liggy, sorry, I'm so late with this comment. I was checking my blog, and I see I missed a couple of comments from a few days ago.
We don't get to see many local bands in our rural province in the Philippines, but I hear disco music coming from somewhere every weekend!
Salam kenal dan persahabatan, mau koment tapi english (nggak paham). Maaf ya...
I really liked the demo song it was good. It's always cool to find a new band to listen to. Welcoming new local bands is always fun though - I really liked the demo song!
Okay...Have a nice day my Friend. Glad to be here.
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