When you take a moment to really try and take away the stress of modern day-to-day living, take away the cynicism of non-conformists, and take away the negativity of those who simply can't stand to see others in celebration around them, you can feel the true meaning of "holiday spirit". Remember - that's the lesson that the Grinch learned after he tried to steal Christmas away from everyone in Whoville?

There's so much variety in holiday music today that a music lover like me can have a favorite in almost every genre. When it comes to children's holiday music, I really love the music from A Charlie Brown Christmas(TM). Perhaps those of you who enjoyed the cartoons of the 70s can remember the scene where Schroeder plays the piano and everyone is dancing happily around him. That was just so fun to watch - even as I grew up!
When it comes to religious holiday music, I really love "What Child Is This?" because it's so endearing and mellowing. I love it sung acapella and I love it even when it's played instrumentally. I can even play it on the piano!
Rock musicians have also created some pretty good holiday music or recorded timeless classics which they've adapted to their styles. My personal favorite holiday music from the rock music category would have to be the Band Aid tune "Do They Know It's Christmas?" which was recorded as part of a huge fundraising effort by the musicians involved. That song always gives me goosebumps, reminding me that there are less fortunate people out there that need help. We - the more fortunate ones - should never forget that because life could've been the other way around and we could be the ones needing help.
There's also a genre of music that has become very popular with the coming of the Trans Siberian Orchestra (TSO for short). It's called the rock opera. If you haven't already heard them, you really should. So I'm posting a YouTube video of TSO performing my favorite TSO tune called "Christmas Eve Sarajevo". The music totally rocks!

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Great song! I loved it! I have never heard this one before, I am so glad I have now. Nice post.
Here's your click ......
Love and Blessings,
Oooh, I totally love Trans-Siberian Orchestra too! What'd you think of their latest CD? I was able to buy it off Amazon for a ridiculous discount - too happy about that.
I love TSO! I want to see them live. If they ever come to town, I want to take the whole family.
I enjoyed your post a lot. As a music lover myself (although somewhat more "vintage") it's nice to read your perspective. I never heard of TSO until the beer commercial a few years back ... most times, I'm looking for something more peaceful at my age but they do rock.
Bud aka Older Eyes
HAHA I just finished watching A Charlie Brown Christmas - I was wondering why I didn't include it in my list! *pout* It's a classic!
Happy Holidays!
Like Minds! I posted a light show that was coupled with the Trans-Siberian Orchestra! Guess their music goes well with lights! LOL Great Post! Happy Tuesday!
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