About two Halloweens ago, I pieced together this poem about popular figures we tend to associate with the scarier part of Halloween (versus the less-scary and candy-filled part). Since it's October, I thought it would a great time to share it with everyone.
Halloween is one of two things I wanted to write about for this week's Top Sites Tuesday meme on BlogDumps. Why Halloween, you ask? Because Halloween is just a fun occasion with people (not just kids) getting all dressed up in costumes, having parties, trick or treating, playing games, etc. For something that once began as sort of a religious celebration, Halloween has become more like a traditional holiday and activity-filled event for those who enjoy spook stories and things of that nature. Which is kind of why I chose this time of year to share the poem I made.

The second thing I wanted to share is my love of poetry. Yes, I do write some poetry myself. In fact, I like to "photoshop" them into images to create a mood for the poem as it is read just as I did with the one I posted above. In case you're curious about my poetry, I published just a few of them here on Blogger. If you click the "poetry" label on this post, Blogger should pull up the posts with my poetry.
Just as my taste of music varies, I also find a variety of poetry styles interesting. However the ones that really stand out in my mind (since taking literature classes back in college) are those written by Sylvia Plath, Emily Dickinson, and Anne Sexton. They wrote the most extraordinary poetry - so full of emotion, so full of character - you can feel the pain they lived through in life. Through poetry these women found ways to "cope" with the struggles they were experiencing. Knowing their history, I can't say this coping mechanism was effective but it probably helped them get by for as long as they did. Perhaps if there were more "support resources" available for women at the time, they would have been able to get the help they so desperately cried out for in their poetry. Who knows?
Oh well, I wasn't much of a history buff or societal expert so I'll stop there. Meanwhile, enjoy the poetry. Oh! By the way, unlike the female poets I mentioned, my dark poetry does not mean I am depressed or have a dark side. It just means I've got a wild imagination!

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Great post although the poem was a bit creepy! I did enjoy it and you do have a great imagination.
Here's your click ......
Love and Blessings,
Hi, Liggy! Loved your post...especially what you did with your poem...very cool. Surely agree with you re the 'employment' of poetry for some and tend to think that it was the release in those poems which, perhaps, helped those poets. Were they crying out for help or were they 'releasing'...who knows. I write a little poetry myself and have noticed that when I'm most 'prolific' is whenm not so much my darker side but sadder and, since I used to 'stuff', the poetry was cathartic. As you said...who knows..lol. Good read, Liggy. Clicks for you!
I love Halloween! The costumes get funnier and more political every year - I've noticed a trend in more store-bought costumes every year as opposed to the classic mom-made costumes like the sheet with eye cut-outs.
Great idea about photoshopping your poetry! It does add a nice background to the piece while it's being read.
Happy Tuesday!
That was totally awesome Liggy! I really like Halloween too and I really like the photoshop work, I'm totally into photoshop! Have a great Tuesday!
Didn't hve time to join this week but loved your post. Click!
Thanks, everyone! I kinda hesitated to share that "crazy" poem at first but I thought, "Oh well!" If not everyone likes it, it's okay...it's just a poem. It's not me! :)
Have a great rest of the week, everyone!
Really love your poem! It is so cool!
I appreciate that, Brian...thanks!
Thanks, i liked it.
I can write poetry, most of mine are humorous, they are just full of personal inside jokes.
Thank you, too, Amer...I also enjoy humorous poetry. In fact, I collect books with limericks!
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