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This week, I thought I'd share a little something about my new birds - two cockatiels
Tinkerbell on the swing and Tweety on the perch.
Next thought - I still plan on sewing a nice red skirt for the stand. Something to match my red and white curtains would be perfect! I've already got the material and thread. Now off to designing the patterns for the skirt...
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I raised birds for a long time and I just loved them. The sad part is that after my husband died I had to give them away because I could not have pets where I had to move to, so sad. I do miss them, they were messy but so much fun too.
Here's your click .........
Love and Blessings,
My kids loved parrots but we never got round to getting any for them. I'm sure you'll have lots of fun with the birds. Click!
My wife and kids are pushing for a dog. But we can barely feed the five mouths we currently have.
Maybe a bird is the way to go!
Check my blog out and follow to get the inside scoop on all things Graphic Design. Thanks
Liggy -
I love birds, though usually of the outside variety. Your new ones are very nice. Enjoy!
Bud aka Older Eyes
Hi Liggy,
Cockatiels can be really fun birds to have, I know people who have had them and they made wonderful pets! I hope you enjoy them!
Clicks for you!
Birds are great for making a quiet space come alive with chirping and color!
Your two new cockatiels are beautiful and I really like the cage, it's cool!
Good luck with the skirt!
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