
Mar 19, 2009

Dora the Explorer Grows Up

I love cartoons...and I often buy some of my cartoon favorites on DVD and watch them with my kids on our home theater system. Don't laugh - that's pretty fun to do! Anyway, there's been a lot of talk about children's favorites growing up - particularly Dora the Explorer, best known as the tomboyish travelling bilingual little girl. I've been searching for positive feedback about the supposed grown up image of Dora that Mattel developed. I saw the image and didn't think there was any problem with the new Dora. Besides, it's not like the young Dora is going away. She'll still be around, teaching our youngsters a little Spanish and English as she travels around different places.

Here's the original Dora the Explorer that we've come to know all these years:
Dora The Explorer

Originally, many parents were afraid that the new Dora was going to become a streetwalker or be start going the way of Barbie who I hear is getting tattooed. But here's the image that was released of the new Tween Dora:
Tween Dora

Here are a few related articles I found explaining the new image and the reason behind the change.

New Tween Dora Causes Uproar Among Parents

After Dora Uproar, Nick and Mattel Soothe Parents

Added 04/06/09: So PastExpiryCartoons posted a link to this in my comments (don't know if you read comments on blogs). I thought I'd add this because you really have to have an open mind to appreciate the humor behind this. Or you can look at it and understand why parents get into such a hubbub about change to their children's beloved characters.


Courtesy of Past Expiry Cartoon


Anonymous said...

Dora is awesome!!! Ok I am 23 in April and I think Dora is cool thats a little worrying! Tween Dora looks cool too! Why is there so much uproar?? I'll be back to read that later :) Thanks for the comment on my blog :)

Anonymous said...

I don't see the big deal really. dora can't be a toddler forever. and most of her fans will grow up and feel disconnected after they're no longer in the pre-school why not change her age to go with the older kids? i could see if she had on a full face of makeup and womanly curves but she doesn't look any worse than hannah montana (skank) or any of the other tween tramps.

Royce Gracie said...

The thing is, the old Dora is a normal little girl. The new one, with her unreal proportions is looking more like a barbie doll. Give rid of the new, stick-limbed Dora, and bring back the old, chubby one.

Liggybee said...

Yes, Dora the tweenager isn't too bad looking, but personally, I don't think there is any real need to see our beloved childhood characters grow up. I think at some point some things just need to be left right where they're at. Right?

Past Expiry said...

Check out this cartoon about Dora the Explorer!
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