
Nov 26, 2011

Breaking Dawn Movie Review

No spoilers here (at least I will try not to have any)! I just thought I'd share a little bit of what I thought about The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn (part 1).  I watched it last night (one week after the movie originally debuted in US movie theaters). If I had to describe it in one word, I'd have to use the acronym "OMG!" Seriously, the movie was more intense than I had anticipated.

Sure, there were a lot of romantic scenes at the beginning, during the wedding, and during the honeymoon. But if you came to the movies to see a lot of romance between Bella and Edward, you would probably only be satisfied the first day of the honeymoon. After that, the drama begins.

Not only did Edward seem hesitant to get physical again with Bella after he realized she was bruised when they consummated their marriage, but before the honeymoon was even over, Bella starts to develop pregnancy symptoms.  The morning sickness wasn't even the worst of it.  You could see Bella's body become more frail and thinner as the pregnancy progressed because the half-vampire baby inside her was taking up all the nutrients Bella needed for her own survival.  There literally were people going "oooh!" (or was it "eeeew!"?) in the movie theater when they showed what Carlisle gave Bella to help her survive this pregnancy.

Soon the story envelopes around the moral dilemma of determining the fate of the mother or the baby based on the pregnancy situation and the issue of validity of the ancient pact between the cold ones and the wolf pack.  Next thing you know, everyone seems to want the pregnancy terminated - some to save Bella's life, some to prevent the unimaginable things that might happen if a "newborn" were to come into Forks (remember the havoc caused by Victoria's newborn army in Eclipse?).

I must say, the birthing scene was almost heart-stopping.  I found myself feeling tight in my seat and breathlessly waiting to see how the Cullens were going to deliver this baby.  I could feel their fear in anticipating what this baby might look like, considering that they had never thought it would even be possible for a human to bear a vampire child.  It was also strange to see Jacob physically at their side during their ordeal.  If you didn't read the book (like I didn't finish reading it in order to maintain an element of surprise), you'd wonder if Jacob was standing by because he wanted to be there for Bella or if he was just waiting for the right moment to attack.  I think both Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner did excellent jobs in their performances during this scene. 

If you do know a bit more about the story, then you would know about Jacob imprinting on the newborn.  I know that was a scene that a lot of fans were anxiously awaiting to see.  I have to admit - so was I!  That scene was just so beautifully done.  I couldn't have imagined it better.  (Yes, Team Jacob fans, you will absolutely love this movie and adore Jacob so much more when you see Taylor Lautner's amazing performance in this movie!)

The movie doesn't end there.  You still have a few more minutes of excitement before the final cliffhanger scene which I've heard some critics complain about.  In my personal opinion though, I thought it was perfect.  Now I want to finish reading the book to find out more because after watching this movie, I don't know how I can wait another year to see how it ends. 

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