The year has really gone by fast! It's already almost Halloween
If you ask me, nothing was scarier than the moment I watched the movie CARRIE
I thought the adolescent experiences Carrie
But I didn't expect her to come home to find no support or sympathy for her pain. Instead she came home to find her own mother had lost her sanity.
I know I jumped out of my seat at the ending scene. It was such a serene scene and so touching to find out how much someone in school actually cared for Carrie.
AAAAHHHH!!! I'm not going to spoil it for you if you have not seen the movie yet. I'm just going to warn you...this was such a scary movie that I have never forgotten it or how I felt when I watched it. That's probably why it's such a classic horror film.

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I loved that movie!!! I actually thought about being Carrie for Halloween LOL I was going to dress up for Prom and have the guys pour face blood on my head - I changed my mind when I thought about how much fun they'd have doing that! Oh well, there's always next year!
I did enjoy the movie very much. I love the role of the psycho mother and Carrie's total flip-out at the end was HOT!
Hi Liggy!
The end of the movie is totally unexpected and I think I jumped three feet ou of my chair. If people haven't seen it, I'm not telling the ending either, just that it's an awesome movie!
Clicks for you!
Hi Liggy, I wathced Exorcist with my kids just last weekend when the local TV decided to re-screen some of the oldies for Halloween. They enjoyed it but pity (or fortunately, depends on how you look at it) it was heavily censored. Thanks for the reminder that Carrie is another classic to re-watch with them. Click!
Liggy -
Very scary movie. But my favorite scary movie is The Shining ... "Here's Johnny!" Great post ...
Bud aka Older Eyes
I don't like scary movies so I did not see this one. I am going to trust you that it was good and skip seeing it.
Here's your click ........
Love and Blessings,
I remember watching that movie also when I was a little kid. That was pretty scary! Have you, by any chance, seen "The Girl with a Dragon Tattoo"? How about "I Am Legend"?
No, I haven't seen those movies yet. I wanted to wait for the American version of "The Girl..." movie. I heard that both of those movies are excellent!
Yeah, I would like to see the Hollywood version of "The Girl with a Dragon Tattoo" also. I saw the Swedish version on DVD recently, and it was a very good story, though really quite disturbing. A very well done drama/mystery/thriller. I watched it with the English dub since it was hard to follow along having to read the English subtitles with the Swedish audio. I haven't read the book yet, but it's on my to-read list!
I also saw "I Am Legend" on Blu-ray and thought it was an absolutely amazing drama/sci-fi/thriller - until I got to the end of the movie, and I didn't like the way it finished. Fortunately there's another version with an alternate ending, which I liked a whole lot better. If you decide to watch that movie, I would recommend that you see the alternate version. But that's just me. You might end up liking the original theatrical presentation! I also haven't read the book on which this movie was based but also have that on my to-read list!
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