Time after time, I find classic storybooks such a pleasure to read and share with children. I even find them a joy to read on my own because they let my imagination go back to the time I was a child and sat amongst a group of other children, listening to our school librarian read a tale or two from these classics.
One of my favorites is The Three Little Pigs. It's the kind of story that you just recognize when you hear (the familiar lines): Little Pig, little pig, let me come in! (And the familiar response:) Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin!
Of course, we all know that the original version had the three little pigs who each built a different kind of house that withstood various amounts of force, particularly the force of the big bad wolf's ferocious breath (and I don't mean the amount of odor!). The first little pig built a house of straw, the second of wood (or sticks), and the third of bricks. Little did we realize as children, there were subtle lessons being taught by each pig's choice of material and by the personality of the pig that chose a particular material. There were lessons of perseverance, of patience, of wisdom, and other things being taught to us in stories like The Three Little Pigs.
As much as I have heard these stories and read them myself, I never tire of them. And it's kind of funny sometimes, when I come across a version where the tale has been slightly altered to arouse a sense of humor in different folks.

The funniest version I heard was the one where The Three Little Pigs were just too quick to assume that the Big Bad Wolf was really mean, when in fact, all he wanted was to borrow a cup of sugar from his new neighbors. Who would've imagined that?

I wanted to share a couple of interesting Three Little Pigs sites that I came across on the web. Check out this learning site I found which includes a printable version of the story as well as a little quiz that can be helpful in exercising one's comprehension skills:
Enchanted Learning.Com
If you have RealPlayer installed on your computer, here's an online storybook with audio that you can enjoy:
Mansfield/Richland County Public Library's Online Storytime
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Oh the three little pigs, wonderful story. I loved the pictures and the post, just wonderful.
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Love and Blessings,
What a coincidence! I just read a version of the Three Little Pigs with a Southwestern desert twist to it last night! It was a bilingual Spanish-English book called Los tres pequeños jabalíes: The Three Little Javelinas. It was about how these three javelinas (wild cousins of pigs) - two brothers and their sister - build three different houses and avoid getting eaten by the tricky coyote! It was the sister's house made of adobe bricks that saved the day! It was fun to read and very interesting! And really cute! I found it at the library here last week. You might want to see if it might be available at your local library too.
Thanks, Angelbaby for the compliments! I love hearing from you.
Wow, Ophelia! That is a wonderful coincidence. I will have to look for that book the next chance I have to visit our library here. That sounds like a fun book!
Nice post, Liggy. Have you seen Stephen Sondheim's Into the Woods? If you like somewhat twisted fairy tales, you might enjoy it.
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Bud aka Older Eyes
Hi Liggy :) The three little pigs are one of my favorites!
Clicks for you!
Ps The blogroll looks great.
OMG Liggy! Too cute, the Three Little Pigs is a total classic! Great Choice!
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