So how about I share my favorite science fiction movie? Star Wars, you say? Nope, guess again. Battlestar Galactica? LOL, no! Logan's Run? Wait a minute now...I'm not THAT old! Actually, my favorite sci-fi movie is Arnold Schwarzenegger's Terminator (in fact, I dig the whole series!!!).

The Terminator movie series combine elements that keep me interested and awed. Even with the barely high-tech effects in the first movie, there was a lot of suspense and action in it that kept me holding my breath, hoping the real Sarah Connor makes it alive to the end and keeping my fingers crossed for Kyle Reese to find her in time.
The second movie, Terminator 2: Judgment Day, combined the chase scenes with high-tech special effects (remember the T1000 melting?) and best of all - heavy metal music! Guns N Roses, one of my favorite heavy metal bands of all time, sang the movie's biggest hit "You Could Be Mine" which a teen-aged John Connor blasted on his boom box. Yeah, you know me - headbanging mama!
When Terminator 3 came out with a female Terminator whose technology surpasses John Connor's protector from T2, you can tell that this was a movie series that wasn't just gonna go away. Kristanna Loken's ability to keep a straight face (just like a robot with absolutely no emotion) throughout the film was just brilliant. She was the perfect choice for part - good looks, athletic skills, agility, and acting ability.

I must mention that the storyline is also what makes this movie series outstanding. Through its storyline, you realize you can't just take life for granted (well, especially not with a Terminator out to get you!) You get to learn what happens when you don't take control of your life. If you don't control your life, it will control you and you'll have no choice. It's the metaphor for the machines and how they decided to take over control. Isn't that clever?
I have the first three movies already. As soon as the fourth one comes out, I want to own a copy of it. Terminator Salvation (which stars Christian Bale as the adult John Connor) will complete the set. By the way, Christian Bale is an excellent actor and he really did justice to his role as John Connor. I even thought he was great as Batman - but hey, that would be another movie!
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Did you know that he is the Governor of California and he can't pronounce California correctly! LOL! Oh well, he is the Terminator so what did we expect! I only saw the first one an it was really good.
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Love and Blessings,
I can't say I've seen the Terminator movies (maybe a part of one, once), but I know many people find them fascinating. I may give them a second look. CLICK!
Aside to Angelbaby--I just finished another book that talked about creating your own reality, and guess who they quoted in it? Arnold. Apparently, the guy has used "The Secret" (not that he called it that) to get where he is. Makes sense if you think about it. How else could an Austrian bodybuilder wind up as a movie star, then Governor?
I really liked the Terminator Series as well. I am a big sci-fi fan. I also agree with you about narrowing down a favorite movie. How can anyone do this? It's impossible. I have tons of favorites which I could watch over and over. It's like asking what my favorite song is. How should I know? How many millions of songs are there? I like most of them because I like all kinds of music genre. Sure I have some favorites, but narrowing it down to one or even ten I could never do. Interesting article. Thanks.
LiggyB...congratulations for narrowing it down to just one. I haven't seen this movie, either but boy...did you do it justice!
I am not surprised, most successful people know the secret and use it to become very successful. It is very interesting that Liggy and I would be so connected. It must be true that we are all one and connected.
Have a wonderful day!
Love and Blessings,
I personally like T2 the best! Kudos, girl. Excellent review!
"I'll be Back"
It's a total classic and I loved everyone! Great Choice!
The Terminator movies were so much fun. Total action overload. I have yet to sit down and check out the new television series based on the movies though.
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Whew! Got busy at work today so I hardly had a break to check your comments and visit your posts. Thanks everyone who's stopped by so far. I'm off to visit yours...
I love how when the cyborgs have been totally mutilated, burned, and destroyed, they seem to still come back. Great Choice!
I love lots of movies too, but my favorite of all is Dog Soldiers! It stars, of course, none other than my favorite British actor, Sean Pertwee! :) And, it's got werewolves in it.
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