
Jun 17, 2010

Ozzy Osbourne Take Two

Ozzy Osbourne has been making headlines again. (Awesome - I'm an Ozzy fan and got to see him in concert awhile back during his "Mama I'm Coming Home" tour).  This time, he's in the news for a lot of surprising reasons.

On my way in to work yesterday, I was listening to my favorite local rock music station and they mentioned Ozzy getting in the Guinness Book of World Records for something other than what he's best known for. Have you guessed what it is?
If you haven't guessed it, he's now in the Guinness Book for leading the loudest and longest scream ever by an audience.  YES!  This was done in a public event called "Scream For A Cure" on June 11, 2010.  The event, by the way, was sponsored by an organization helping to raise funds for cancer research.  In case you've forgotten (or simply weren't an Ozzy fan), Ozzy's wife, Sharon, is a cancer survivor. The pair have been married since 1982, making them one of the longest still-together couples in rock music history. (Who says rock stars don't have any admirable qualities?)

Today, I heard Ozzy's in the news again because scientists want to study his DNA to learn more about survival.  After all, for someone whose body has been abused with drugs and alcohol for four decades, been through a serious motorbike accident that broke his neck, and also suffers from a genetic disorder similar to Parkinson's Disease, the man sure is kicking ass and going strong!   And now, scientists want to know if there's something in his DNA that can help others beat the odds like Ozzy has.

In fact, he's even getting ready to release a new album this month.  The new album (as you can spot the coincidental scream event similarity) is titled  "Scream".  You can currently stream the tracks online through the Official Ozzy Website or on Myspace. I was listening to it as I post this blog and man!  The album rocks!!!  I can't wait to add it to my rock music collection!  (By the way, the CD's only $7.99 through and is being released next week - June 21st). It's mind-blowing!  It's breath-taking!  It's the best- Ozzy album I've heard in a very long time! 


One of The Guys said...

I'm an Ozzy fan too, but I have no idea what he's saying when he speaks.

He's just like George Clinton, the funk god. That guy is from another planet or something, but his music is Da Bomb!

Liggybee said...

That's funny...yeah, Ozzy slurs a lot when he talks. But I remember the reality show he and his family were in. I normally don't watch reality shows but his family was quite entertaining. LOL!