It's time to share my two thoughts for we like to do at BlogDumps. Recently, I featured Ryan Gosling on LiggyzDreamz's Dream Guy of the Week. (Post 07/17/2011)
First off, I'm thinking that I could have mentioned the painfully dramatic role he played opposite Michelle Williams
Though not a blockbuster hit, the movie did earn several critical nominations, including a Best Actress Academy Award nomination for Michelle Williams
I watched the film very intently, trying to understand where the characters were coming from. Halfway through the film, I was feeling emotionally strained - not in a way to make me want to stop watching it though. I felt strained because the emotions that these two actors (Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams) conveyed were so realistic. Through their dialogue and facial expressions, I could feel their deep pain and anguish. There was love, yes, and you could see and feel it when they did. But when they struggled, you almost want to "mediate" in their relationship to help them. They make you feel like they deserve the help. After all, they were trying, too. They weren't just giving up on their relationship. Yet at the same time, you can see that there was nothing there to really hold the relationship together.
As a second thought, I don't normally recommend or suggest films with such sexual content, but those few scenes were very needed to describe the depth of the situation that the characters were in. (Just cover your eyes or go to the bathroom if you don't want to see those scenes). I think there is a lot to study and learn about relationships from this film - especially where it comes to the value of communication, the challenges of building relationships forged from nothing in common, and the tragic effects of a person's dysfunctional family background on a couple's struggle to be better.
On a more serious note, if you're already in a successful relationship (one that works for both parties and makes you both happy), this film will probably make you appreciate what you've got even more.
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It's always hard to see people fall out of love. At least nobody killed the other person or get like really violent in that movie. I would watch it again. But I agree with you, it's for mature audiences only.
Before I watched the movie, I read the reviews and all of them described the movie as a story of people falling out of love. I wondered how...and this movie definitely shows how painfully hard it is.
Hi Liggy,
I haven't seen (or heard of) that particular movie... wonder if I can Redbox it LOL
Sounds like a chick-flick though... no one gets blow up? Hmm... just gushy Love stuff? Yeah, Trina would probably like that sort of film.
OMG not an Adult Scene! After all, what's a love story without a couple naked scenes ;)
I'm gonna have to check this film out, if you recommend it, it's gotta be good!
Happy Tuesday!
My son was just talking about that movie. Tell Wolf my son liked it so it can't be a total chick-flick. I don't know any of the young actors or actresses (well, there is Jennifer Aniston :) ). But I still enjoy your posts.
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