The theme for Top Sites Tuesday this week is "Three Things You are Thankful For" and with Thanksgiving Day just a few days away, I am going to take some time to reflect on these things. And if you're looking to read a light topic, better switch pages now because I might show a side of LiggyzDreamz you didn't realize existed...the more "serious-thinking, down-to-earth me."
First of all, I can't profess to being a very religious person. But I do believe that religious faith or spiritual beliefs play a large part in shaping us as civilized and caring human beings. No matter what faith you practice or were taught to believe in (even if you chose not to believe in), I am thankful that it was there to influence us. Let's face it. As advanced as science and technology can be, there are still many things modern man cannot explain and we still look for an understanding of it in places "beyond" the concrete elements founds in this world.

Come to think of it, even the popular vampire-themed sagas written by Anne Rice (The Vampire Chronicles) and Stephenie Meyer (The Twilight Saga) have characters that talk about souls and immortality. Imagine a vampire that won't bite humans because of a conscience! Oh well, I won't get too deep into a discussion about faith and religion. There are enough books written about them, arguing for and against them, but I am thankful that such a thing exists to give us something to think about, to base our feelings on (such as giving us some kind of moral grounds to stand on), and to build our hopes upon, especially when we can't find answers for our most plaguing questions elsewhere.
Secondly, I am thankful for all the people I have in my life...past, present, and future, especially my family and friends. They all contribute to making me who I am today. As a people person, I would find this road of life a very lonely road to travel through if it weren't for all the people who support me along the way or who care enough to tell me if they think I'm going the wrong way. (Thanks! I mean that...)

I really don't know what to list as a "third" thing because those two things I mentioned really encompass a lot of other things I find most important to be thankful for. However, since my blog's main theme is about the arts - poetry, movies, music, etc. - and these are topics I am so passionate about, I think it's only fair that I say I am also thankful for the existence of the arts. Simply put, the arts not only make life more interesting, they are also great forms of communication among all cultures of the world. The arts have a powerful way of uniting us all with the ability to display messages both visible and hidden. I can't imagine a world without the arts.
If you want to know what my other BlogDumps friends are thankful for, just click the blinking button below to go to Blogdumps and check out the other participating blogger posts. And if you're celebrating Thanksgiving this week, too, thanks for stopping by...enjoy your celebration!
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Wow, you did show another side and I knew it was there all the time! LOL! Lovely post, I really enjoyed reading it. Thanks for sharing.
Here's your click ..........
Love and Blessings,
Thanks for sharing that...it was lovely. Family and friends are so important, aren't they? I think most of us would be grateful for them...
Thanks, AngelBaby...my thoughts on these things run deeper but I tried to keep it simple for this post. :)
Psych Babbler, thank you for visiting. Yes, family and friends are very important, indeed!
I loved that! As I was reading the anime with the finger pointing at me was perfect for emphasizing your post!
Have a great Day!
Thanks, Trina! Actually I chose that picture on purpose to let my readers and friends know that I think they're great!
Spirituality, no matter what type, has definitely made us well rounded and civilized people.
I'm glad to be one of your blogging buddies! Have a wonderful Tuesday!
My Post is up http://wolfbernz.com
Nice touch with the pix, Liggy. Wonderful post!
Where oh where are you? I hope you are alright.
I have something for you on my site so come and see.
Love and Blessings,
I am so sorry to hear you accidentally deleted your post. I hope you can do another one, I do look forward to seeing what you post.
I gave you a click anyway!
Love and Blessings,
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