While there were other popular novels about vampires around, I really didn't find enough interest to try reading another one until I heard about Stephenie Meyers and her Twilight Saga. Her vampire series were not as "intense" as Anne Rice's books. In fact, Twilight seemed to "glamorize" vampires more than "spook" us to pieces, as evidenced by the popularity of the series among teenagers and the large number of highly-trafficked blog sites written by fans of the series (book and movie alike).
Now I hear that The Vampire Diaries (another Young Adult fiction series) by L.J. Smith has been made into a television series. The new series will premiere on the CW network this Thursday, September 10th at 8 p.m. Eastern Time.

I've never read J.L. Smith's books but I think I'm going to keep my laptop off and turn the TV on for a change tomorrow night and check out this show. I'm curious to know see how this other set of eternally high school-aged vampires are portrayed (even though it may be a slight departure from the way the books were written - as almost all screen/book adaptations are). If it's interesting enough, I might just go to Amazon and order the book set to read. Yes, I do love reading! I saw that they already have a special collection available for it:
The Vampire Diaries Box Set Volume I, II, III, IV (the Awakeing, Dark Reunion, The Struggle, The Fury) (volume 1-4)
Might just have to add it to this year's Christmas Wish List. Guess we'll wait and see!
I caught the show on TV. Not too impressed by their acting. Paul Wesley seemed to be trying really hard to act like "Edward" of Twilight. The only one who seemed to perform really well was Ian Somerhalder, who plays "Damon".
Hello Liggy!
It seems that you are a vampire stories fanatic, good for you.
Me, I can say that I just learned loving those stories. It was, when I watched the Twilight 1st release movie. Then by then, I read ebooks and books of it.
Thanks ^_^
Thank you for posting your comments! I love hearing from my readers. I do have a follow up post to this blog entry. It's my review of The Vampire Diaries premiere episode. Please check it out!
Good Evening,
I was looking through some blogs and came across yours and found it really nice, and related to my Vampire Book Blog. I was wondering if you would like to do a link exchange, I’m pretty new to blogging, and wordpress, so any help would be wonderful. My Blog is www.vampirebooksite.com.
Also any tips on Blogging would be wonderful, if you have the time to give me a few tips :)
Let me know
Ruby (groves.ruby@vampirebooksite.com)
I appreciate your visit and comment, Ruby. I will check out yours this week-end and let you know what I think. ;)
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