(This is a screenshot of Chapter Two jobs in the South Africa Challenge)
Oops, I've been slacking on the entertainment front again...blame it on Mafia Wars
I'm currently working on the South Africa Challenge as well as the Whack the Rat Jimmy Vegas job. I've completed my other available regular game jobs (New York, Cuba, Moscow) but I haven't completed Bangkok. Most of the jobs in Bangkok require so much Bangkok Baht (money) to purchase required equipment or vehicles for specific jobs and I keep running out. So I figured I'd use up my available energy on some of these limited time events and work on Bangkok later. Hehehe!
Other than my Mafia Wars addiction, my other thoughts this Tuesday are about how happy I am to read about love...people falling in love and getting married (as opposed to people falling out of love and getting divorced - uggh! No more Jon and Kate
Ahh...so there are my two thoughts this week! Have you got any thoughts to share? Then hurry up and join BlogDumps and share them with us...
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OMG! Is that why we haven't seen you around? Silly girl. Those games can be so addicting, I know, I am addicted to Farmville! LOL!
Here's your click ...
Love and Blessings,
Thanks, Angelbaby! I'll stop by your blog next...
Hi Liggy!
That's why I haven't joined Mafia wars LOL it takes a lot of time and is so much fun its addicting!
I would be nice to see more people happy with their marriages and not with their divorces.
Clicks for you!
I got addicted to farmville for a while and didn't get anything accomplished LOL I totally understand!
Yeah, I'm really tired of reading and hearing about people getting divorces - LOVE - That's what it's all about people!
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