I thought I'd show a little love for Victoria Mazze, the seductively beautiful lead singer of The Divine Madness, one of my Top Five Gothic Rock Bands with female lead singers. Victoria is Eliza Swenson from California, USA. She is of Swedish and Danish heritage. If her face looks familiar, it may be because you might have seen her in a few films like The 9/11 Commission Report, Dracula's Curse, Candystripers, and Frankenstein Reborn. Or perhaps you went to school with her? I heard that she went to Brigham Young University and received a BA in Music Media and Sound Engineering. (Hmm...she's beauty and brains!) Then again, if you're a fan of the theatrical arts, her resume includes performances onstage in Trojan Women, The Philadelphia Story, and Much Ado About Nothing (to name a few).

Here's a music player you can listen to some of The Divine Madness music tracks and order from as well. I had purchased the two disc set that the group released about two years ago. One disc was labeled "Paradiso" and the other disc "Inferno". Figure that one out...the music was well-worth the money - imagine two full-length CD's for the price of one!
She does look good...I like her music, too!
Before I wrote this post, I didn't realize she was the college-type. She's amazing!
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